mandag den 24. september 2012


Is money the only/the biggest motivation for working hard or taking a long education? What about personal interest/fulfillment + respect from others - don't these things count?
I don't think money is the only motivation for taking a long education, and do some hard work. But I think it's the biggest.
Most people wouldn't take the trouble to get long educated, if they wouldn't get more money out of it, than if they just got a job.
Of course you get some respect from others if you take a long education, and respect from others does count. But there's more ways of getting people's respect than taking a long education. It has also a lot to do with you as a person.
Most people wouldn't take the time to get a long education, if they would get the same pay as a person with no education.
I think most people would prefer to spend more time with their families and friends, than studying. Especially if they knew they wouldn't get more money in the end.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Maybe I have the solution to how more people could like what they do, be able to spend more time with their family and at the same time be of value to society: Each person in Denmark will get a certain amount of money each year and then they can basically do what they like to do. I can continue working as a high school teacher. Or I could choose to write poems or letters-to-the-editor (læserbreve) that other people could read and comment on, or I could have the time to bake spelt bread for the children in my son's børnehave, play Ludo for three hours each day with my 3-year-old-son or play my banjo in the middle of Aarhus to the people who would enjoy that. Then I would still contribute/give something to society and get paid and do what I would like to do. What do you think about this idea?

  2. Hmm. In theory it sounds like an okay idea, but I don't think it will work.
    First of all I think our society would be very lazy if it was like that. Another thing is, that I think it would be problematic and almost impossible to agree on how much money the amount should consist of. Who should decide that, and where should the money come from?
    You're right, that if it could work, people could do what they liked to do. But I'm not sure if they would be of value to society.
    If everybody liked to write poems, play Ludo or to play the banjo, they would be giving something to society, in the form of entertainment to people, but we still wouldn't get any doctors or other high educated people, that we are in need of. So I don't think your idea could work.


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