mandag den 24. september 2012


Is money the only/the biggest motivation for working hard or taking a long education? What about personal interest/fulfillment + respect from others - don't these things count?
I don't think money is the only motivation for taking a long education, and do some hard work. But I think it's the biggest.
Most people wouldn't take the trouble to get long educated, if they wouldn't get more money out of it, than if they just got a job.
Of course you get some respect from others if you take a long education, and respect from others does count. But there's more ways of getting people's respect than taking a long education. It has also a lot to do with you as a person.
Most people wouldn't take the time to get a long education, if they would get the same pay as a person with no education.
I think most people would prefer to spend more time with their families and friends, than studying. Especially if they knew they wouldn't get more money in the end.

Ida's comment

Why is her utopia unrealistic? – You say it’s because Schmidt-Nielsen will get a lot of opponents. But I’m sure she is willing to make that sacrifice if her utopia can be achieved.
And aren’t you underestimating people – why do you think people will abuse the system?

If her utopia is going to be put into practice there will be no reward to those who spent many years on their education. People will take the easiest way – they will prefer to get a job instead of study because people are greedy and if they take a job they get more money than if they study and only get SU. And their choice will not have consequences for their further life, because as I said before there will be no rewards to those who have a good education. The wages will be the same.

I am not underestimating people because people like them I have described exist. In the news for about two weeks ago there has been focus on Robert, a man who has not got a job for 10 years because he doesn’t want to work and because it cannot be worthwhile.  Many politician and experts have to this made a statement where they say: There will always be a Robert in a society.

tirsdag den 18. september 2012

2f: Your comments/answers for my questions

Dear 2f.
Please post your comments/answers for my questions concering your written assignment on the issue of equality in Denmark. Post your comments/answers as an individual "indlæg".

All the best,